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Geek Chic Glasses: How Old is Too Old?

Geek chic glasses are the latest style of eyewear that everyone is geeking out about. Yes, the geek look is in, but do geek chic glasses work for everybody?

First of all, what are geek chic glasses? So what are geek glasses, and what makes them chic?

Geek glasses are a new spin on an old style. Classic “nerd” style retro frames with thicker plastic rims and often boxy shapes have hit the fashion scene with a vengeance, and they’re not nerdy anymore.

Geek Chic Glasses Are Totally in Right Now

Geek glasses are probably the most common style seen being worn by celebrities today. People like Tyra Banks, Anne Hathaway, Demi Moore, and Johnny Depp can be seen wearing chic geek glasses on a night out or simply running errands around town.

Geek glasses are chic, contemporary, and extremely stylish, and they can be pulled off by pretty much anybody. Whether you’re working in an office or hitting the club scene in the city, geek glasses will give you a chic and elegant look that will set you apart from the others.

What you shoud know about the geek chic trend:

  • Many top glasses brands have their own line of geek chic glasses, including Gucci Geek and Ray Ban Geek.
  • There are some eyewear brands who only carry geek glasses, such as Geek Eyewear and Genius Glasses.
  • Geek chic glasses are appropriate for all ages and genders. Young women wear them with a “hipster” mismatched look while others wear them with a semi-casual, refined wardrobe.
  • Businesswomen wear geek chic eyewear to achieve an elegant and refined look. Geek chic glasses say, “I’m dressed for business, but I certainly have style.”
  • Older women not only bring out their youth when they wear the modern geek glasses, they also achieve the classiest look of all, displaying style, contemporary culture, and a modern flair.
  • Geek chic glasses come in all shapes, sizes, and colors to match your face shape, hair color, and personal preference.

Whether you’re looking to express your modern artsy style or complement a refined and cultured look, there are geek chic glasses for you. Rectangular frames, horn rims, cat-eyes, square frames, wayfarers, and more frame styles are all available in geek chic style.

Your prescription eyewear makes a statement, whether you intend to or not. Many people’s glasses say “function over fashion,” but chic geek glasses say, “refined, practical, and fashionable,” and they do it while complementing your natural features. Geek style has a way of highlighting your natural facial features and assets in a way that says, “I know my best qualities.”

If you are interested in geek chic glasses or are shopping around and you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

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