It’s nearly impossible these days to avoid exposure to television and computer screens. At home, at work, at school, in the car, even out shopping – desktops, laptops, tablets, smart phones, GSP devices, TVs, interactive consoles, and more…they’re virtually omnipresent. Exposure isn’t even a single event anymore; how often do you or your children watch television at home while also surfing the internet on a phone or portable computer?
You may have mastered the art of multitasking, but your eyes are paying the price. Most of us never realize how many of our waking hours we spend looking into screens. Crunch the numbers, however, and you’re likely to come up with a shockingly high statistic. Is it any wonder that so many people suffer from headaches, eye strain, and eye fatigue at the end of the day?
The reason is quite simple. Screens and monitors emit light in “blue range” wavelengths. Blue light stimulates the eyes and makes them work harder to focus. The refresh rate of monitors also causes a minute flicker, a pulsing effect, and after several hours of exposure this effect takes its toll. The eye was not designed to tolerate such constant bombardment and overuse of the eye muscles triggers reactions like excessive blinking, watering, itchiness, and low-level pain…all signals that your eyes are working too hard for too long.
The best way to combat this eye strain is to limit exposure to screens and monitors, or take frequent breaks when using them. But precious few of us have the luxury of doing so; work and recreational activities call for excessive monitor usage without the benefit of long periods of inactivity.
The second-best way to combat eye strain is to use specially-designed blue light-blocking glasses. These are not the magnification reading glasses you’ll find in drug stores or department store racks; their purpose isn’t to compensate for a lack of close-in vision but rather to filter out blue light and protect the eyes – any eyes, young or old – from the effects of monitors and screens.
Phillips Safety Products carries a line of affordable, attractive computer glasses to protect your eyes from monitor overexposure. StrainCutters filter out blue light rays and demonstrably reduce eye strain. They’re available in two versatile frame styles:
If you suffer from eye strain due to long hours of monitor usage, consider purchasing a pair of computer glasses. Forget trying to escape today’s technology. Embrace it instead – but be sure to limit its negative impact on your eyes in the process.