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How Long Does it Take to Adjust to New Progressive Lenses?

So, you have your new bifocals and are excited to be able to see clearly and read your favorite but except for one thing – they are difficult to adjust to. If you are wondering how long does it take to adjust to progressive lenses, then we have a few answers that will set your mind at ease.

Take Some Time to Adjust

One of the most simple answers to getting used to new progressive lenses is to take some time to adjust. Leave your glasses on for about a week or so to give your eyes time to adjust, even in places where you do not need them. Once they become second nature, your eyes will adjust accordingly and they will become more comfortable. The only place you should not use them when adjusting is for driving.

Learn How to Read Correctly

A common mistake that people make with new progressive lenses is to tilt their head down in order to read. With progressive lenses, this is not necessary. You only have to shift your eyes down, not your entire head. Just keep your head stationary and tilt your eyes and you’ve got it.

Find the Sweet Spot

Another issue with some people wearing new progressive lenses is knowing exactly where to look through them for reading distance. Progressive lenses are without lines so this means that they have a gradual change in power. This also means that for some, it is harder to find exactly where to look but this is normal and doesn’t mean that you are doing something wrong.

The same theory applies in the “learn how to read” section. Simply hold your head stationary and drop your eyes down. One way to make it easier is to choose a single word on the page and then move what you are reading up and down and from side to side – not your head, just the reading material. This allows you to find that perfect spot and allow your eyes to adjust. In no time at all, you’ll find it second nature for your eyes to find that spot without having to repeat this tip.

I Can See Clearly Now

Distortion is an issue for some people and this is usually in the outer and lower part of the glasses. However, these are areas that are not typically used with your glasses. Think of it as if you are not even wearing glasses – if you see something off to the side of you then you usually turn your head, not your eyes. The same thing goes with looking down. This may take some getting used to at first but it is actually how you would normally view things without glasses so it will become normal in no time at all.

Using the Stairs

Last but not least, using stairs is a common complaint with someone just learning to adapt to progressive lenses. The same applies with not looking down. When you focus on the stairs or your feet, you are going to see a blurry staircase because you are using your bifocals. You don’t typically look at the floor or your feet when using stairs so there is no reason to start now. If you do want to focus down a bit just to watch your step, use the same theory as above – tilt your eyes a little but definitely not your entire head.

Adapting to new progressive lenses may seem to take a while at first but it’s like anything else that is new to you – before you know it, it will become second nature and you’ll not even notice that you are wearing them. If you want to learn more about what we offer in progressive lenses, simply contact us.

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