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Best sunglasses to wear while boating

With summer finally here (especially if you live in the Northeast) many of us are “down the shore” from Memorial Day to Labor Day enjoying boating, fishing, or relaxing at the beach.

Boating and the Best Sunglasses to Wear

Putting on sunscreen becomes part of our daily routine as well as wearing sunglasses the minute you step out of the door.  If you spend time around water, you know that getting the right pair of sunglasses and lenses is very important especially since the UV rays of the sun are more intense when reflected off the water.  Now, like many of us, our sunglasses are often an extension of our face; when you bend down you often forget that they are on your face and they fall off and onto the ground.  Well, if you are on the boat and about to pull in that monster fish you can’t wait to put on the grill tonight for dinner, and then you realize, “there goes my sunglasses, into the water, sinking to the bottom next to the fish”.  We ALL have been there when we lost a pair of glasses in the water, maybe not fishing but perhaps jet skiing, tubing or just swimming.  Finally, a solution for glasses for boating; Bobster GXR Sunglasses.

Yes, these sunglasses float! If this frame isn’t for you, don’t worry, we offer many other frame and lens color options on our website

When shopping for the right pair of sunglasses for your water activities always remember to get Polarized Lenses to help reduce the glare of the sun on the water and also get a lens that offers UV protection.

Stay fabulous!

Jessica xo

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