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How to Install and Remove Stick On Bifocals

Stick on bifocals are really an awesome invention. They allow you to take a normal pair of glasses, safety glasses, or even sunglasses and turn them into what you need – reading glasses. Even small print is easier to read and it will allow you to focus up close on objects.

The great thing about stick-on bifocals is that they are easy to use and easy to remove so let’s take a look at how to do both.

How to Install Stick On Bifocals

What is super convenient about stick-on bifocals is that there is no need for glue or adhesives. It actually sticks by molecular attraction – kind of like magic. These particular lenses are constructed in a half-moon shape that is pliable and soft. The design is super thin enough to stick to your glasses by pressing them on and using water.

Here is the correct way to ensure that your stick on bifocals stays on properly. Often, people think that they simply do not work when in fact, they were not put on the correct way.

Once you determine the prescription of magnification you need, which can be done with a diopter test, you’ll know the type of reading glasses that will work best.

Clean both sides of your bifocal lenses with clean, water, and no soap; just the water is sufficient.

Pool some water in both lenses and place your glasses lens down.

Each should be about 2.5 inches apart so get a ruler or measuring tape and figure out the correct positioning for each lens.

When you’re ready, hold one stick on bifocal in one hand and make sure the curved part is facing down. Now place the bifocal stick on onto your glasses with the curved part at the bottom of the frames.

Now do the same exact thing with the other side and don’t forget the 2.5 inches apart rule.

Once you’re done, use a lint-free towel to make sure to dab away the excess water that has accumulated on the lenses.

Now simply set the lenses aside for approximately half a day or 12 hours total so that they can dry totally and be ready for use.

Now you’re ready to wear your stick on bifocals.

How to Remove Stick on Bifocals

Like we mentioned earlier, some people believe that stick-on bifocals are hard to remove but it is pretty magical how well these come off. To remove them simply run them under hot water. No really, that’s it!

What makes these so versatile is that you can reuse them for whatever type of glasses you need. For instance, you can put them on diving masks as easy as sunglasses or work glasses. As long as you wait the 12 hours after you install them onto your glasses, you are ready to use them and when done, simply run that hot water over them and remove them to be used for the next time.

In fact, these stick-on bifocals are pretty affordable enough to have more than one pair, especially if there are two specific pairs that you use them for. For instance, sunglasses and eyeglasses or your eyeglasses and your work glasses. However, even if you simply have one pair that you use, they are easily placed on and off and the only tools you need are lint-free cloths, a little bit of your time, and water.

So the next time you hear that these are hard to use, you will know that it’s not true at all – you simply have to know what you are doing and it’s easy enough for anyone to do.

If you want to learn more about stick-on bifocals or any other products we carry, simply contact us so we can help.

  1. Iva Coker says:

    Is there an office that will apply the bifocal

    • b.kotian says:

      Hi Iva Coker,

      Thank you for reaching out. You can contact our customer service team at, +1 866 653 5227, and they will be able to assist you further with applying the bifocal prescription. You can also use the chat option available on our website to connect with our customer service team,

  2. Kathy says:

    Do the stick on bifocals work on transition sunglasses or will the transitioning be different for what’s under the sticker than what’s not?

  3. Dwayne says:

    So there is no way to get the bifocals off if they came from the eyeglass place? I really need my glasses but the bifocals are in my way and due to covid 19 I don’t know when I’ll be able to get them fixed.

  4. Rick says:

    I have a pair of glasses that came with the bifocals and one of the bifocals has moved up in the way and the other is fine! Do you think the hot water will work on these since I believe leaving my glasses in a hot car day after day is most likely the reason one bifocal has moved so much?? Thank you

    • rxsafety says:

      You should be able to use the hot water to move the stick on bifocal around to the correct position then dry them off and they should be good to go.

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