Tech and Features to Look for in Prescription Safety Glasses

If you’re considering getting some prescription safety glasses in order to make sure that you stay safe at work and at home while still being able to actually see, there are some things you should consider in terms of new technology. The reason for this is that there are a number of emerging technologies and features for these glasses that can enhance your experience with them, and it’s important to be aware of these before making any final decisions.

Try On at Home

Some sites and glasses give you the ability to try the glasses on at home before you make your purchase final. If you’re the type of person where comfort is a big deal to you, then this could be a potentially excellent option. After all, you’re never going to know exactly what you want until you’re holding it in your times. And this is going to be impossible any other way if you’re ordering your prescription on the internet. As a result, this is definitely a feature that’s worth looking for whenever you go shopping for glasses.

Scratch Protection

If you’re going to invest in prescription safety glasses, then you’re going to want to protect your investment however you can. If you end up getting scratched lenses, this is going to partially defeat the purpose of having the glasses with prescription in the first place, since the whole point is to be able to see clearly when doing important tasks.

That’s exactly why you’re going to want to make sure that you take a look at modern approached to preventing scratches, smudges,  and other types of damage. An example of this sort of modern tech includes nanocomposite materials. This means that the material coating used is made at a level far below what the naked eye can observe. An example of this is TD2 coating. The way it tends to work is that first, you have a layer that destroys any imperfections or divots on the surface of the lens. It’s commonly called an “adhesion layer.”

The layer underneath it is a hardened coat, often made of varnish. It’s composed of particles of silicate similar to glass with plastic around it so that it’s both hard enough to resist scratches, but flexible enough to not impair the function of the glass. Obviously, this doesn’t mean that the technology is completely impervious to scratches, but this is definitely technology worth considering, at least.

Anti-Impact Tech

Obviously, safety glasses that shatter at the slightest impact are hardly the kind that you want. Therefore, you’re going to want to look for tech to help with this. There are various different types of ratings to indicate the ability of safety glasses to resist impact. An example is the Z87 rating. This is from the American National Standards Institute, also called ANSI. The one you want is Z87-2, at least. This indicates technology that can handle high impact.

The example used online for this standard is tech that can keep a steel ball traveling over 100 feet per second from going through lenses treated with this tech standard. Material tech that allows you to do this includes special polycarbonate that won’t be easily destroyed. Obviously, the exact standard you’re going to need will depend on exactly what you’re doing. Not everyone is going to be working in an area that exposes them to the possibility of being hit by flying steel balls. Lower standards and lower technology could certainly be plenty if you the protection you need is for lower levels of potential impact. Those working in their homes with wood shavings to worry about are not going to have to be as concerned as those working in some industrial machine shop at work, for example.

Anti-fog Tech

Other technology that you might be interested in would include the kind that keeps glasses from fogging up at an inopportune time. If this is a potential problem for you because you’re working in an environment where you need to be going for an hour or even hours at a time, then you should make sure you find the tech that can help.

After all, losing concentration for even a few moments could be highly dangerous depending on what exactly you plan on doing. Fogging is inevitable in certain situations without this tech since all it takes is a temperature change or a shift in humidity, and sometimes the proximity to your face for a while is all it takes for this to happen.

This type of tech can vary in composition, but some new breakthroughs have allowed for more permanent coating if this is what you want. It’s generally done with something called polyvinyl alcohol. This keeps water from concentrating anywhere in the glasses because the compound is known as “hydrophilic,” which means it doesn’t mix with water. This is combined with layers of silicon in order to make sure everything bonds together and has the appropriate hardness. The idea is that the coating only has to be applied once and it can work on safety eyeglasses as well as other types as well.

This obviously isn’t the only approach to this type of tech, however.

Other Coating Tech

Glasses like this can also get anti-reflective coating in order keep reflection down as well if this is something you need. Plus, there’s often mirror coating if you want that effect for whatever reason. Not all safety glasses will take all these coatings, however, which is important to keep in mind.

Coating tech can definitely be combined depending on what it is. It’s entirely possible that you’ll need several different types of coating tech in order to make sure that you have all of your bases covered when it comes to protection. The coat will just stack one on top of the other in most cases unless otherwise specified. A lot of the same places that give you a risk of impact will also give you a risk for glare and high energy light.

Laser Tech

Protection from laser in safety prescription glasses is often going to be a specialized thing that doesn’t necessarily combine well with other types of glasses. Generally, you need to specify a filter specification. This goes from 870nm all the way up to 11,000nm or more. This means that you have to pick what ranges you want to protect from. These ranges can go from under 100nm all the way up to thousands.

The color will depend on the type of glasses. Some have excellent visibility when you’re wearing them, others will only give you 10% visibility or less, if you’re going with a Flashlamp filter tech, for example. They do combine with impact ratings with some models, including the ANSI 780.1 standard. But obviously, it’s important to see a full list of tech so that you don’t end up being unprotected.

The tech just filters out light in the range that you specify, letting other light ranges in so that you can see. This could be by absorbing the unwanted wavelengths, for example.

For more information about getting safety glasses that actually conform to your standards and that use the latest technology that you want, please make sure you go ahead and contact us today. This includes on any topic related to safety glasses, prescription or otherwise.

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